TURF Analysis with Examples

Learn everything about TURF Analysis, its questions with scenario based examples.

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TURF Analysis for Market Research

What is TURF Analysis?

TURF Analysis or Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency Analysis, is a statistical research methodology that enables the assessment of potential of market research for a combination of products and services. It analysis the number of customers reached by a particular communication source and how often does that happen.

With products and services being launched by organizations regularly and new markets being explored day in and day out, it becomes trivial to leave no stone unturned to make sure the products are well-received in new markets.

For instance, if a chocolate manufacturing company wishes to launch a new chocolate flavour, it’s important to know whether it will work with their target market. TURF analysis is a powerful statistical analysis tool that can be used to get answers for these questions:

  • What will be the market share that can be obtained if we launch flavour X of chocolate?
  • Where should we promote this flavour to maximize our reach in the chocolate industry?

Initially used for analysis of media campaigns, TURF analysis has developed into being applied in various segments like product, line and distribution analysis.

QuestionPro offers TURF analysis for multiple choice/ multiple answer questions. The TURF simulator produces optimized options for maximized reach, reach denotes the piece of the audience that selects a particular option.

TURF Analysis Examples

Let’s take a scenario based example where an organization wants to understand which are the mediums from where maximum products are being sold, in order to optimize their functioning in all those medium.

The multiple choice question is, “Where do you purchase our products?”

Turf Analysis on MCQs

For better understanding of what the customers prefer, we will run a TURF analysis on this question.

Run Turf Analysis

It will generate a list of Start Reach, Completed Reach, Respondent Reach and Count. In this case,

  • Start Reach: Those who started the survey.
  • Completed Reach: Those who’ve completed the survey.
  • Respondent Reach: Respondents who’ve answered an exact number of question.
  • Count: Exact number of times the particular option was chosen.

Top/ Down Reach is a method to calculate the reach for either the entire database or for a segmented data. You can review the various modes that users prefer for the purchase of your product.

Turf Analysis Step 1

Select one or more than one options that you want to be evaluated for unduplicated reach. to this sentence

Turf Analysis Step 2

This will produce the total recorded responses, reach count and the market share you can achieve by focusing on the option. In this, considering the options we’ve selected, you can obtain 40% market share in a recorded response bank of 100.

QuestionPro has a TURF simulator tool that permits that review of all possible options under a simulation count. In this case, we’ve kept the simulation count 2.

Results are produced from the highest to lowest market share of combinations.

Turf Analysis Step 3

Price Modelling: Every business has budget constraints. You can allot a budget to the options and the system will stimulate options that fit the bill for your budgetary requirements.

Turf Analysis Step 4

You can also optimize the budget for desired results. In case you want to acquire 25% reach with your alternatives, the following option should be given maximum importance.

Turf Analysis Step 5

There are ample number of product options for the customers, it’s you as the management of an organization, who has to manage what to offer the market next, keep a tab on the current offerings and bring about changes in the functioning, if required.

TURF is used where a company seeks to understand which set of products or the subset will have most penetration in the market. Evaluate “what-if” scenarios based on market realities using the Simulator and calculate all possibilities with TURF analysis.

How does the TURF Analysis algorithm work?

  • TURF algorithm evaluates all the possible permutations and combinations by considering answer options provided under a multiple choice question.
  • Due to this, one needs to be selective of the product/service options they have under a multiple choice question.
  • The outcome of TURF analysis produces options that you might not have considered to be effective.
  • Making choices based on simple percentage choice may be ineffective.
  • TURF analysis offers the mechanism to look beyond those percentages and produce multiple combination of options that your target audience makes.
  • Selecting the right “combination” is the key. Take under consideration the complicated combination choices that the users may consider while purchasing a product.
  • This result can be used to include or exclude a new product/feature/service in the roadmap of the organization.