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Briantanyee71's Profile

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Available GD Points: 8
About - Brian Tan: Brian’s love and passion for writing were originally derived from his fondness of reading books, especially those in the fantasy and sci-fi genre. This past-time hobby of reading was developed during his early years as a child and by the age of 7, he was inventing and scribbling down his own stories in his notebook. As an experienced creative writer with a sharp nose for good stories, he greatly favours RPGs and MMORPGs due to his fascination with the stories that each game tells, even more so than the gameplay or game graphics (even though these elements also important). As such, open-world games like Dark Souls where every item and equipment has a backstory appeals to him and while such a task is often tedious to other gamers, he would spend hours exploring the world in search for lore than finishing quests and missions. The development of MMORPGs allowed him to delve deeper into his creative side as he often uses his created characters as a basis for his own written stories. In his teens, he was part of his high school’s newsletter and magazine club, where he contributed weekly by writing news articles on school events. Upon graduating high school and going to college, he was part of the first wave of students who helped create their college’s newspaper edition where he continued to hone his craft by churning through weekly articles on various matters, ranging from local to global events. He is currently studying his final year as a law student at the University of Hertfordshire, where his writing skills are now adapted to write and draft legal documents and law essays assignments. Nevertheless, he still retains his passion for writing about computer games and the stories and lore that each game holds respectively in their essence. Every now and then in his spare time, he would indulge himself in either gameplay or watching YouTube videos of one of his favourite channels “Game Theory” or engage in discussions with others online via Quora and Reddit about any new and outstanding games or other forms of geek culture.

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