By Lesley Head
October 31, 2000
Cultural landscapes are usually understood within physical geography as those transformed by human action. As human influence on the earth increases, advances in palaeocological reconstruction have also allowed for new interpretations of the evidence for the earliest human impacts on the ...
By Sarah Metcalfe, Dick Derwent
April 29, 2005
Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Change is an introduction to the major pollutants causing concern today, a description of their sources and how their emissions and concentrations have changed through time.Approaching atmospheric change in the context of its effects on the natural ...
By Martin Beniston
March 27, 2000
Mountain environments are often perceived to be austere, isolated, and inhospitable. In fact, these areas are of immense value to mankind, providing direct life support to close to 10 percent of the world's population and sustaining a wide variety of species - many of which are endemic to this ...
By Chris Turney, Matthew Canti, Nick Branch, Peter Clark
April 29, 2005
Environmental Archaeology: Theoretical and Practical Approaches outlines and assesses the various methods used to reconstruct and explain the past interaction between people and their environment. Emphasising the importance of a highly scientific approach to the subject, the book combines ...
By Atle Nesje, Svein Olat Dahl
April 28, 2000
This authoritative new text provides a thorough, updated account of glaciers and ice sheets as monitors and indicators of environmental change. It examines the record of environmental change within glaciers and ice sheets, and that of past environments left by retreating glaciers. These themes are ...