Heatmap Widget
Heat map analysis widget gives you computed scores on different touchpoints in a graphical way differentiating on priorities by color shades and NPS scores. The darker the color is, the higher is the density.
Where can I use Heatmap widget?
The Heatmap widget can be used to understand which is the weakest touchpoint for a segment and let you compare a touchpoint accross different segments. After Analysing this widget, you will be able to figure out which touchpoint-segment combination has the minimum and maximum NPS score.
The color shades range from dark red to dark green, darkest red represents the highest negative score(-100) and darkest green represents the highest positive score(100).
The score is calculated by comparing the responses of the question with the responses of the benchmarked NPS question.
How to add the Heatmap widget?
- Login to CX
- Go to Analytics
- Click on Add Widget
- Select 'Survey' from the widget type drop down
- Select a survey from the ‘Survey’ drop down
- Select the 'Heatmap' widget
- On clicking Next button, a drop down to select the question will appear
- Select the Segments you want to compare in the chart
- User can turn on the apply filter toggle button and apply 'Product', 'Product Group' or 'Custom Varable filter'filter
- Click on Save to add the widget on the CX analytics
Which question types can create a heatmap widget?
Below question types can be analysed using Heatmap widget:
- Text slider
- Tube pulse
- Single Matrix (Multi-point Scales)
- Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
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