Dead Island: Riptide

Dead Island: Riptide
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Dead Island: Riptide (2013)

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The standalone sequel to Dead Island, Dead Island: Riptide brings you back into a hellish world infested by zombies. Set immediately after the events of "Dead Island," players find themselves on Palanai, an island overrun by the undead and fighting to survive in a hostile environment. Fight flesh-craving zombies at every turn as you level up new skills, obtain powerful weapons and battle for survival in this exquisite looking open world role-playing game.

New features include a new playable character named John Morgan, dynamic weather that changes during combat, and the ability to use vehicles like armored trucks and jeeps. To escape Palanai, players will have to kill deadly "boss monsters" that are incredibly strong using a combination of firepower and strategy.

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MaxwellDenton's picture

MaxwellDenton 5 years 6 months ago

Zombies. That's all you need to know if you're a fan of walking corpses.

Neo1988's picture

Neo1988 7 years 2 months ago

A bit worse that its 'predecessor' but still with enough content to keep you interested. If you are a fan, you will like it. If you are not, well... if you like zombies, RPG-style of gameplay, dangerous monsters to deal with and one mediocre story- you still may like it :-) .

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