Routledge Focus on Music Education: Culturally Responsive Teaching consists of concise monographs that focus on concepts related to culturally responsive teaching in music education. Throughout this series, we illustrate how music education is transformed by culturally responsive practices. The monographs in this series (40-50,000 words) will focus on one or more of the different facets of the following concepts.
Projects in this series are published in the Routledge Focus format, designed as a home for publications shorter than traditional monographs.
By Julia T. Shaw, Vicki R. Lind, Constance McKoy
September 10, 2019
Culturally Responsive Choral Music Education visits the classrooms of three ethnically diverse choral teacher-conductors to highlight specific examples of ways that culturally responsive teaching (CRT) can enrich choral music education. Principles of CRT are illustrated in contrasting demographic ...