{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs17 The\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 : \cf1 A\cf0 \cf1 Facsimile\cf0 \cf1 Library\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Essential\cf0 \cf1 Works\cf0 \cf1 is\cf0 \cf1 designed\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 make\cf0 \cf1 available\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 comprehensive\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 focused\cf0 \cf1 collection\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 writings\cf0 \cf1 from\cf0 \cf1 1500\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 1750\cf0 , \cf1 both\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 for\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 about\cf0 \cf1 them\cf0 . \cf1 The\cf0 \cf1 three\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Printed\cf0 \cf1 Writings\cf0 (\cf1 1500-1640\cf0 , \cf1 1641-1700\cf0 , \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 1701-1750\cf0 ) \cf1 provide\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 comprehensive\cf0 , \cf1 if\cf0 \cf1 not\cf0 \cf1 entirely\cf0 \cf1 complete\cf0 , \cf1 collection\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 separately\cf0 \cf1 published\cf0 \cf1 writings\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0\f1 , \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 aim\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 support\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 advancement\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 feminist\cf0 \cf1 criticism\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 early\cf0 \cf1 modern\cf0 \cf1 period\cf0 .\cf1\f0 The\f2 \f0 volumes\cf0 \cf1 in\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 library\cf0 \cf1 reproduce\cf0 \cf1 carefully\cf0 \cf1 chosen\cf0 \cf1 copies\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 these\cf0 \cf1 texts\cf0 , \cf1 incorporating\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 short\cf0 \cf1 introduction\cf0 \cf1 providing\cf0 \cf1 an\cf0 \cf1 overview\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 life\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 work\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 writer\cf0 \cf1 along\cf0 \cf1 with\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 survey\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 important\cf0 scholarship.\par \par The \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 \cf1 also\cf0 \cf1 includes\cf0 \cf1 separate\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Essential\cf0 \cf1 Works\cf0 \cf1 for\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 Study\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Manuscript\cf0 \cf1 Writings\cf0 . \cf1 These\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 are\cf0 \cf1 complemented\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 The\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 \cf1 1500-1750\cf0 : \cf1 Contemporary\cf0 \cf1 Editions\cf0 \cf1 which\cf0 \cf1 includes\cf0 \cf1 both\cf0 \cf1 old-spelling\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 modernized\cf0 \cf1 editions\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 works\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 about\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 gender\cf0 \cf1 in\cf0 \cf1 early\cf0 \cf1 modern\cf0 England.\par \fs17\par }
By Robert C. Evans
June 10, 2019
Sarah Fyge Egerton (1668-1723) is an intriguing poet who wrote a great deal of poetry during a period when women poets were relatively rare. Her career also began at an astonishingly early age: she was barely fourteen years old when one of her poems was first printed in London. Throughout much of ...
By Julia J. Smith
February 15, 2010
Susanna Hopton was born in 1627 to a wealthy mercantile family. By 1651 she was collaborating with her future husband Richard Hopton in his activities as a royalist agent and around the same time she was converted to Roman Catholicism by Henry Turberville, a secular priest and distinguished ...
By Teresa Feroli
April 15, 2011
In 1625 Lady Eleanor Davies' life took a dramatic turn when, by her account in 1641, a "Heavenly voice" told her "There is Ninteene yeares and a halfe to the day of Judgement, and you as the meek Virgin". That same year she published her first treatise, A Warning to the Dragon, initiating her ...
By Teresa Feroli
April 15, 2011
In 1625 Lady Eleanor Davies' life took a dramatic turn when, by her account in 1641, a "Heavenly voice" told her "There is Ninteene yeares and a halfe to the day of Judgement, and you as the meek Virgin". That same year she published her first treatise, A Warning to the Dragon, initiating her ...
By Arthur F. Marotti
September 04, 2009
Gertrude More belongs to a tradition of mystical writers who believed in the value of the via negativa, a path to union with God by way of total self-abnegation and the emptying of the mind of set ideas and images. Her only book-length work, THE SPIRITVAL EXERCISES (Paris, 1658), is a collection ...
By Robert C. Evans
June 17, 2009
Jane Barker (1652-1732) is increasingly being recognised as one of the most important English women writers of the late-seventeenth and early-eighteenth centuries. The author of both poems and novels (including novels containing numerous poems), Barker was largely ignored for many years but has ...
By Katharine Gillespie
September 25, 2009
Katherine Chidley was a religious and political activist who dissented from the established church throughout the 1620s, 30s and 40s; supported the parliamentarian cause against the royalists during the English civil wars of the 1640s; and sided with the proto-democratic Levellers against the more ...