Globalization and Development in East Asia
Book Description
East Asia is widely regarded as the main "winner" in contemporary globalization, unscathed by the economic crisis of 2008, with its leading new industrializing nations and emerging economies. While 20th-century globalization was mainly led by the West, the 21st century is ushering in different dynamics. The re-emergence of Asia involves alternative visions of the world and different perspectives on globalization. This volume seeks to address these dimensions, turning to local reflexivities, notably in South Korea and China, to explore the key debates in sociology and political economy within East Asia rather than from an outside view.
Table of Contents
Introduction Jan Nederveen Pieterse and Jongtae Kim 1. Orientalization in Globalization: A Sociology of the Promiscuous Architecture of Globalization, c.500–2010 John M. Hobson 2. Global Rebalancing: Crisis and the East-South Turn Jan Nederveen Pieterse 3. Profit, People, Planet and Global Rebalancing: The Environmental Implications of Development in Japan, South Korea, China and India Lynne Ciochetto 4. The West and East Asian National Identities: A Comparison of the Discourses of Korean Seonjinguk, Japanese Nihonjinron, and Chinese New Nationalism Jongtae Kim 5. East Asian Community as Hybridization: A Quest for East Asianism Seung Kuk Kim 6. Japan, Globalization, and East Asian Dynamism Hidetaka Yoshimatsu 7. New Development Stage of China After the Crisis Li Peilin 8. Global Specialization and the China-US Economic Imbalance Min Gong 9. Whither Democracy? South Korea Under Globalization Revisited Hyun-Chin Lim and Jin-Ho Jang 10. Democratic Deepening in South Korea and South Africa in an Age of Global Rebalancing: The Potential Role of Civil Society in the Age of Internet Wiebe Nauta
Jan Nederveen Pieterse is Mellichamp Professor of Global Studies and Sociology at University of California, Santa Barbara.
Jongtae Kim is HK Research Professor in the Asiatic Research Institute at Korea University, Seoul.